Ian Rae, retired from Commercial Union Whyteleafe in April 1998, to concentrate on his music - so how is he doing?

On social media he has half a million followers on TikTok and 80K on Instagram where he does a "live" piano request show 3 times a day across the 2 platforms

In just 20 months he has produced 4 singles and 8 albums of his own original music on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music & Youtube which have exceeded 1.1M streams.

He has produced over 1000 silly very short videos on Tiktok and 500 on Instagram which brighten up his followers' lives on a daily basis and are now being made available on his Youtube channel.

So if you would like to listen to his albums or watch his videos here are some links

The link to listen to his latest album free on Youtube - The Ian Rae Youtube Channel

The link to listen to his albums on Spotify - Ian Rae on Spotify (You can download Spotify Free which is free)

The link to listen to his albums on Apple Music - Ian Rae on Apple

For those brave enough to venture into TikTok - Ian Rae onTikTok

The find him on Instagram - Instagram